"Sheps" Cheer about the Coming Season
There was much to cheer about at the Good Shepherd Pep Rally on October 15. "Sheps" turned out to celebrate the successes of last season and to look ahead to the next year of bringing Christ into our community. We were honored to have our District Superintendent, Rev. Melanie Carey, join in the celebration.
The annual Charge Conference took on a festive tone as everyone received blue and white pom poms (matching our shirts.) As part of the evening we conducted the business of the church, including voting on leadership for the coming year and modifying our current single board governance structure.
A video of the 2013-14 "Season" highlighted the many ministries which Good Shepherd supported including Hands4Detroit, Imagine No Malaria, Dearborn Blessings in a Backpack and our Afterschool Youth Club (LOGOS.) Fred Michaelson, our Lay Leader, shared the great news that we are seeing an upwards trend in our worship attendance but also reminded us that the "rules" are changing and we need to respond accordingly.
Coach Doug (aka our pastor) then got the pep rally moving with his spirited pep talk. He commended the Good Shepherd team for the past wins but asked us to take bigger risks--throwing passes instead of running the ball. He prepared us for the possible interceptions (failures) but encouraged us to keep our eye on the prize--winning disciples for Christ.
Rev. Carey brought us news from the conference and district and thanked us for our faithful support of United Methodist ministries. She recognized that our "per member" support of Imagine No Malaria is one of the highest in the entire state.
We finished up the evening with a rousing cheer followed by a song by Matt Redman, "We Could Change the World." WITH GOD'S HELP, we can indeed change the world!